It’s worse than the CoronaVirus and everybody has it.
The effects of this virus are so widespread that we have come to accept and live with many of its symptoms. We have even resolved to call these symptoms good and normal. We are born with this virus, and it’s the underlying cause of our death.
It has an effect on everything we do. As soon as you think you don’t have a problem with it anymore, it shows back up in a different way, a different place.
The good news is that there is a cure. It’s completely free and available worldwide. On top of that, there is more than enough supply for every person in the world. The only problem is….
While many have received the cure, they still live as if the virus is in control. They think that they have to feel and see the effects of the cure to convince others and even themselves that it works. So they hesitate to share the cure.
They become afraid to tell others about the cure. Sometimes they look back at the symptoms of the virus–thinking them better.
And so some began creating imitation cures with quick and temporary effects that mask the virus but don’t kill it. It gives them enough time to feel better and yet still fit in. The fake cures grow and expand so much that the real cure has been questioned as real.
But we want the real cure. We want others to know about it, because it does work and has been working, and still works event today.
Sin is the virus. Jesus is the cure.