
Testimonies encourage faithful believers to continue to pursue God’s plan for their lives. We invite you to read a few stories from missionaries, believers and pastors whose lives have been touched by Gospel Colors Outreach.

Trained Believers
“Never did I imagine myself walking the streets sharing the Gospel, and never did I imagine the overwhelming joy I experienced while doing it.” – Matt

First-time Believers
“I am so thankful that my 7-year-old son had the opportunity to get involved with Gospel Colors Outreach this past year. As he learned the colors and memorized the verses, he began to realize that it all applied to him too- and he personally trusted Christ as his Savior! That was one of the biggest blessings of the whole year.” – Jackie & son Connor

Evangelism Event
“My daughter, Krysta, and I had the opportunity to evangelize with GCO in a park in Oceanside. We got to share the Gospel with people we didn’t know for the first time. People flocked to our table wanting to hear about who Jesus is. It was a day we will remember into eternity!” – Lara & daughter Krysta

Church Pastors
“As a direct result of our partnership with GCO, New Song has been able to lead over 5,000 people to Christ in the last three years. What could be better?” – Hal Seed, Sr. Pastor, New Song Community Church and author of The God Questions

Child Evangelism
“[My daughter] Hailey shared “the colors” with her class during show and tell. All 12 of her classmates said “yes” to accepting Jesus and Hailey led them in prayer. It was AMAZING to watch and brought her teacher and I both to tears. Thank you for helping her grow in her faith and the skills to share the good news with others!” – Jenn

Would you like to share your testimony? Let us know below: