Grow In Your New Life

We can tell when trees are growing; we can also tell when children and animals are growing. Living organisms were created to grow. Once the seed of life has been planted, whether in the ground or in the womb, that seed will begin to grow. The seed grows because it contains life.

The Bible says in 1 Peter 1:23, For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God.

This means that when we were given new life, we began to grow spiritually. Just like you see trees or puppies grow, so you can see yourself grow into the person God made you to be.

In order for a living organism to grow, however, it needs certain elements. In the case of a plant or a tree, it needs water, air and sunlight.  In the case of a baby, it needs food, fluids and care. Their little lives are so fragile they need to be loved and cared for continually.

So it is also in our lives as believers in Christ. Although the life in Christ is ours because of our faith in Him, we also need certain habits that will help us mature in our new life in Christ.  Making a routine of these practices on a daily or weekly basis will ensure that you become the person God created for you to be through your life in Christ.

Below are some healthy habits for your daily walk and furthering your relationship with Jesus Christ – they’ll work for you if you’re a new Christian or a Christian who would like to see new spiritual growth.

Read the Bible:

We like to tell people that they don’t have to read the Bible in a year, but they should read it every day. Let’s say you read the Bible for only one minute every day for a year, you’ll have read 365 minutes a year. How much can you read in 365 minutes? Depending on your reading speed, you will be able to get through at least a few books of the Bible. We’ve heard it takes 72 hours to read the Bible straight through. Let’s say you can read five minutes per day. At that speed, you will read the whole Bible in less than three years.

If you are planning to follow the Lord Jesus forever though, you don’t have to worry about reading the whole Bible in one year, just read a little every day for the rest of your life. God will take care of the rest!


Sometimes, when people think of prayer, they think of a long boring time on their knees. Instead, think of prayer as a phone line you have available to chat with God whenever possible. You can talk with him for a long time or just have a short conversation.

When driving on the highway and a careless driver passes by, pick up the prayer phone. Ask God to give the driver wisdom and to bless you with patience. When you have a decision to make with an uncertain outcome, pick up the prayer phone and go for a walk to ask God to give direction. Prayer can happen anywhere you are in your day.

The truth is, the more you pick up the phone line of prayer, the more you will trust God with your life. Here is a promise from Philippians 4:6-7, Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus (NLT).

Go to Church:

Attending church is not an option for those who want to grow in their faith. Here are some ways church will help you mature in your new life in Christ:

1. When you go to church, you get to listen to someone teach you the word of God.

2. When you go to church, together with other believers, you get to represent the body of Christ here on earth.

3. When you go to church, you also get to serve others in the body of Christ. Why might this help you grow?

4. When you go to church, you get to love others who are different than you. Why might this help you grow?

5 When you go to church, you get to see how God brings others into a relationship with Him.

The family that God gives you when you are part of a church is priceless. The more you go to church and get involved in the work the church does, the closer you will get to your faith family. Having a family of faith may not sound exciting right now, but when hardships come, it is good to have a group of people to rely on who can provide for you spiritually through their prayers.

There are times when you have to make difficult decisions and you need people who can give good counsel around you to help you. Going to church is a comforting source of encouragement for difficult times and a steadying source of wisdom for decision making. Pray that you find a church in your area and attend regularly.

Share Your Faith with Others:

If you have come to faith in Jesus Christ recently, you may want to tell others right away. You may not have much experience with your faith yet, but you know Jesus Christ came into your heart. We encourage you to go ahead and share that!

There are many ways to share your faith in Jesus Christ. Some people do it by serving others such as volunteering at a homeless kitchen, or even visiting nursing homes. Give a few more examples here besides serving (teaching, praying with people, using a talent like singing or acting, etc).

You can always have the Gospel Colors presentation ready so you can clearly express yourself when the time comes. We offer easy, portable Gospel Colors presentation as an optino. It’s not the only way to share, but it’s helpful to have something simple to present and easy to remember. All you really need is the word of God!

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Have More Questions About Growing In Your Relationship With Christ?

Please message us if you have questions. We would love to help you grow in your relationship with God.

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