We partnered with Bethel Church for an amazing mission trip!
What a joy it was to be used by the Lord! On Friday, just 2 hours before sundown, we walked the streets of Valle De Puebla. God sent us and then He called over 60 people from the community to hear! Many received Christ, some rejected, and some didn’t stop to listen–but we continue praying for them all.
Saturday we went out again in the late morning, took a break for a lunch and continued into the late afternoon. Well over 55 more people heard the gospel with nearly 30 decisions to follow Christ. The Holy Spirit was moving in might ways, not just to those who heard the gospel, but for those that were sharing as well.
“I was scared”, “I didn’t know how” “I thought it’d be embarrassing “—are all things different people, from the church, felt before going out today. The consensus at the end, however, is that God moves us past ourselves and uses us for His glory no matter how we might feel at that moment.
Keeping praying for Bethel church in Valle de Puebla and that God would move every person who received the gift of eternal life to show up to the church, get plugged in, and grow in their relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ! Gloria a Dios!